Gift box with acorn-fed Iberian shoulder 5J. Pata Negra Cinco Jotas.
Gourmet MadridGift box with Cinco Jotas 5J shoulder ham from 100% Iberian pigs raised in the wild in the forests of Andalusia.
They are fed with roots, herbs and above all with a large quantity of acorns.
Approximate natural curing of 24 months gives this palette an extraordinary flavor.
5J - Cinco Jotas controls the entire ham production process from the birth of the pigs to the end of the ham curing process.
5J- Cinco Jotas has been the company that has made acorn-fed Iberico ham famous throughout the world.
This shoulder has the official black seal that certifies that it is a 100% acorn-fed Iberian ham Pata Negra.
Valores nutricionales por 100 grs: Valor energético (calorías): 350 Kcal / 1458 KJ, Proteínas: 32,5 g, Hidratos de carbono: <0,8 g, Grasas totales: 24,1 g (saturadas 6,68 g), Sodio: 1,6 g
Ingredients: 100% acorn-fed Iberian pork shoulder, sea salt, antioxidant E-301, acidity corrector E-331(iii) and preservative E-252.
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